JavaScript Operators

What are Operators in JavaScript

Operators are symbols or keywords that tell the JavaScript engine to perform some sort of actions. For example, the addition (+) symbol is an operator that tells JavaScript engine to add two variables or values, while the equal-to (==), greater-than (>) or less-than (<) symbols are the operators that tells JavaScript engine to compare two variables or values, and so on.

The following sections describe the different operators used in JavaScript.

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators are used to perform common arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. Here’s a complete list of JavaScript’s arithmetic operators:

+Additionx + ySum of x and y
-Subtractionx - yDifference of x and y.
*Multiplicationx * yProduct of x and y.
/Divisionx / yQuotient of x and y
%Modulusx % yRemainder of x divided by y

The following example will show you these arithmetic operators in action:


let x = 10;
let y = 4;
alert(x + y); // 0utputs: 14
alert(x - y); // 0utputs: 6
alert(x * y); // 0utputs: 40
alert(x / y); // 0utputs: 2.5
alert(x % y); // 0utputs: 2

JavaScript Assignment Operators

The assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

OperatorDescriptionExampleIs The Same As
=Assignx = yx = y
+=Add and assignx += yx = x + y
-=Subtract and assignx -= yx = x - y
*=Multiply and assignx *= yx = x * y
/=Divide and assign quotientx /= yx = x / y
%=Divide and assign modulusx %= yx = x % y

The following example will show you these assignment operators in action:


let x;    // Declaring Variable
x = 10;
alert(x); // Outputs: 10
x = 20;
x += 30;
alert(x); // Outputs: 50
x = 50;
x -= 20;
alert(x); // Outputs: 30
x = 5;
x *= 25;
alert(x); // Outputs: 125
x = 50;
x /= 10;
alert(x); // Outputs: 5
x = 100;
x %= 15;
alert(x); // Outputs: 10

JavaScript String Operators

There are two operators which can also used be for strings.

+Concatenationstr1 + str2Concatenation of str1 and str2
+=Concatenation assignmentstr1 += str2Appends the str2 to the str1

The following example will show you these string operators in action:


Try this code »

let str1 = "Hello";
let str2 = " World!";
alert(str1 + str2); // Outputs: Hello World!
str1 += str2;
alert(str1); // Outputs: Hello World!

JavaScript Incrementing and Decrementing Operators

The increment/decrement operators are used to increment/decrement a variable’s value.

++xPre-incrementIncrements x by one, then returns x
x++Post-incrementReturns x, then increments x by one
--xPre-decrementDecrements x by one, then returns x
x--Post-decrementReturns x, then decrements x by one

The following example will show you how increment and decrement operators actually work:


let x; // Declaring Variable
x = 10;
alert(++x); // Outputs: 11
alert(x);   // Outputs: 11
x = 10;
alert(x++); // Outputs: 10
alert(x);   // Outputs: 11
x = 10;
alert(--x); // Outputs: 9
alert(x);   // Outputs: 9
x = 10;
alert(x--); // Outputs: 10
alert(x);   // Outputs: 9

JavaScript Logical Operators

The logical operators are typically used to combine conditional statements.

&&Andx && yTrue if both x and y are true
||Orx || yTrue if either x or y is true
!Not!xTrue if x is not true

The following example will show you how these logical operators actually work:


let year = 2018;
// Leap years are divisible by 400 or by 4 but not 100
if((year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 100 != 0) && (year % 4 == 0))){
    alert(year + " is a leap year.");
} else{
    alert(year + " is not a leap year.");

You will learn about conditional statements in JavaScript if/else chapter.

JavaScript Comparison Operators

The comparison operators are used to compare two values in a Boolean fashion.

==Equalx == yTrue if x is equal to y
===Identicalx === yTrue if x is equal to y, and they are of the same type
!=Not equalx != yTrue if x is not equal to y
!==Not identicalx !== yTrue if x is not equal to y, or they are not of the same type
<Less thanx < yTrue if x is less than y
>Greater thanx > yTrue if x is greater than y
>=Greater than or equal tox >= yTrue if x is greater than or equal to y
<=Less than or equal tox <= yTrue if x is less than or equal to y

The following example will show you these comparison operators in action:


let x = 25;
let y = 35;
let z = "25";
alert(x == z);  // Outputs: true
alert(x === z); // Outputs: false
alert(x != y);  // Outputs: true
alert(x !== z); // Outputs: true
alert(x < y);   // Outputs: true
alert(x > y);   // Outputs: false
alert(x <= y);  // Outputs: true
alert(x >= y);  // Outputs: false


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