Python Lambda Expressions

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about Python lambda expressions and how to use them to write anonymous functions.

Sometimes, you need to write a simple function that contains one expression. However, you need to use this function once. And it’ll unnecessary to define that function with the def keyword.

That’s where the Python lambda expressions come into play.

What are Python lambda expressions

Python lambda expressions allow you to define anonymous functions.

Anonymous functions are functions without names. The anonymous functions are useful when you need to use them once.

A lambda expression typically contains one or more arguments, but it can have only one expression.

The following shows the lambda expression syntax:

lambda parameters: expressionCode language: Python (python)

It’s equivalent to the following function without the "anonymous" name:

def anonymous(parameters): return expressionCode language: Python (python)

Python lambda expression examples

In Python, you can pass a function to another function or return a function from another function.

1) Functions that accept a function example

The following defines a function called get_full_name() that format the full name from the first name and last name:

def get_full_name(first_name, last_name, formatter): return formatter(first_name, last_name)Code language: Python (python)

The get_full_name() function accepts three arguments:

  • First name (first_name)
  • Last name (last_name)
  • A function that will format the full name (formatter). In turn, the formatter function accepts two arguments first name and last name.

The following defines two functions that return a full name from the first name and last name in different formats:

def first_last(first_name, last_name): return f"{first_name} {last_name}" def last_first(first_name, last_name): return f"{last_name}, {first_name}"Code language: Python (python)

And this shows you how to call the get_full_name() function by passing the first name, last name, and first_last / last_first functions:

full_name = get_full_name('John', 'Doe', first_last) print(full_name) # John Doe full_name = get_full_name('John', 'Doe', last_first) print(full_name) # Doe, JohnCode language: Python (python)


John Doe Doe, JohnCode language: Python (python)

Instead of defining the first_last and last_first functions, you can use lambda expressions.

For example, you can express the first_last function using the following lambda expression:

lambda first_name,last_name: f"{first_name} {last_name}"Code language: Python (python)

This lambda expression accepts two arguments and concatenates them into a formatted string in the order first_name, space, and last_name.

And the following converts the last_first function using a lambda expression that returns the full name in the format: last name, space, and first name:

lambda first_name, last_name: f"{last_name} {first_name}";Code language: Python (python)

By using lambda expressions, you can call the get_full_name() function as follows:

def get_full_name(first_name, last_name, formatter): return formatter(first_name, last_name) full_name = get_full_name( 'John', 'Doe', lambda first_name, last_name: f"{first_name} {last_name}" ) print(full_name) full_name = get_full_name( 'John', 'Doe', lambda first_name, last_name: f"{last_name} {first_name}" ) print(full_name) Code language: Python (python)


John Doe Doe, JohnCode language: Python (python)

2) Functions that return a function example

The following times() function returns a function which is a lambda expression:

def times(n): return lambda x: x * nCode language: Python (python)

And this example shows how to call the times() function:double = times(2)Code language: Python (python)

Since the times() function returns a function, the double is also a function. To call it, you place parentheses like this:

result = double(2) print(result) result = double(3) print(result)Code language: Python (python)


4 6Code language: Python (python)

The following shows another example of using the times() function:

triple = times(3) print(triple(2)) # 6 print(triple(3)) # 9Code language: Python (python)

Python lambda in a loop

See the following example:

callables = [] for i in (1, 2, 3): callables.append(lambda: i) for f in callables: print(f()) Code language: PHP (php)

How it works.

  • First, define a list with the name callables.
  • Second, iterate from 1 to 3, create a new lambda expression in each iteration, and add it to the callables list.
  • Third, loop over the callables and call each function.

The expected output will be:1 2 3

However, the program shows the following output:3 3 3

The problem is that all the there lambda expressions reference the i variable, not the current value of i. When you call the lambda expressions, the value of the variable i is 3.

To fix this, you need to bind the i variable to each lambda expression at the time the lambda expression is created. One way to do it is to use the default argument:

callables = [] for i in (1, 2, 3): callables.append(lambda a=i: a) for f in callables: print(f()) Code language: PHP (php)

In this example, the value of a is evaluated at the time the lambda expression is created. Therefore, the program returns the expected output.


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