To install Python on Windows and set a path variable, follow the steps below:
Download Python:
- Visit the official Python website at
- Click on the “Downloads” tab.
- Choose the latest version of Python for Windows.
- Select the appropriate installer based on your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
Run the Installer:
- Double-click the downloaded installer.
- Check the box stating “Add Python to PATH” during the installation process.
- Click on the “Customize installation” option if you want to customize the installation location or components.
Set the Path Variable:
- After opening the Start menu, search “Environment Variables” or “Edit the system environment variables.”
- Click on the “Environment Variables” button.
- Find the “Path” variable in “System Variables” and click “Edit.”
- Select “New” and then provide the path to your Python installation directory. It is typically found at “C:PythonXX” (XX represents the Python version number).
- Click “OK” to save the changes.
Verify the Installation:
- Open a new Command Prompt window.
- Type “python” and press Enter.
- If Python is installed correctly, you will see the Python interpreter prompt with the version information.
Here’s the code to check the Python version using Command Prompt:
python –version
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