Data Attributes


It specifies a clickable button that includes content like text or images using the class ui-btn. It is deprecated in version 1.4. Use the ui-btn attribute instead of using data-role = “button” attribute.

Following table lists the button elements used with data attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-cornersIt defines whether the button should contain rounded corners or not.true | false
2data-iconIt defines the icon of the button.Default is no icon
3data-iconposIt defines the position of the icon.left | right | top | bottom
4data-iconshadowIt defines whether the icon of the button should contain shadow or not.true | false
5data-inlineIt defines whether the button should be inline or not.true | false
6data-miniIt defines whether the button should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
7data-shadowIt defines whether the button should contain shadow or not.true | false
8data-themeIt displays the theme color for the button.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the checkbox elements used with type = “checkbox”.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-miniIt defines whether the checkbox should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
2data-roleIt stops styling of checkboxes as buttons.none
3data-themeIt displays the theme color for the checkbox.letter (a-z)


Following table lists collapsible elements used with data-role = “collapsible” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-collapsedIt indicates whether the content should be closed or expanded.true | false
2data-collapsed-cue-textIt displays feedback for users with screen reader software.Default is collapsing content
3data-collapsed-iconIt defines the icon of collapsible button.Default icon is “plus”
4data-content-themeIt displays the theme color for the collapsible content.letter (a-z)
5data-expanded-cue-textIt displays feedback for users with screen reader software.Default is expanding content
6data-expanded-iconIt displays the collapsible button when you expand the content.Default icon is “minus”
7data-iconposIt defines the position of the icon.left | right | top | bottom
8data-insetIt defines whether the collapsible button should display with rounded corners and margin or not.true | false
9data-miniIt defines whether the collapsible buttons should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
10data-themeIt displays the theme color for the collapsible button.letter (a-z)

Collapsible Set

Following table lists the collapsible set elements used with the data-role = “collapsibleset” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-collapsed-iconIt defines the icon of collapsible button.Default icon is “plus”
2data-content-themeIt displays the theme color for the collapsible content.letter (a-z)
3data-expanded-iconIt displays the collapsible button when you expand the content.Default icon is “minus”
4data-iconposIt defines the position of the icon.left | right | top | bottom
5data-insetIt defines whether the collapsible button should display with rounded corners and margin or not.true | false
6data-miniIt defines whether the collapsible buttons should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
7data-themeIt displays the theme color for the collapsible button.letter (a-z)


Following table lists Controlgroup elements used with data-role = “controlgroup” attribute −

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-exclude-invisibleIt defines whether to exclude invisible children in the assignment of rounded corners.true | false
2data-miniIt defines whether the group should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
3data-themeIt displays the theme color for the controlgroup.letter (a-z)
4data-typeIt indicates whether the group should display in horizontal or vertical format.horizontal | vertical


Following table lists dialog elements used with data-dialog=”true” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-close-btnIt defines the position of the close button.left | right | none
2data-close-btn-textIt defines the text for the close button.text
3data-cornersIt defines whether dialog should display with rounded corners or not.true | false
4data-dom-cacheIt indicates whether DOM cache must clear or not for individual pages.true | false
5data-overlay-themeIt defines the overlay color of the dialog page.letter (a-z)
6data-themeIt defines the theme color of the dialog page.letter (a-z)
7data-titleIt defines the title of the dialog page.text


Following table lists enhancement elements used with data-enhance=”false” or data-ajax = “false” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-enhanceYou can style the page by setting this attribute to “true”. You cannot style the page if it is set to “false”.true | false
2data-ajaxIt indicates whether pages must load from Ajax or not.true | false

Fixed Toolbar

Following table lists the toolbar elements used with data-position = “fixed” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-disable-page-zoomIt defines whether the user is able to scale/zoom the page or not.true | false
2data-fullscreenIt defines toolbars must be positioned at the top and/or bottom.true | false
3data-tap-toggleIt indicates whether the user can toggle toolbar-visibility on taps or not.true | false
4data-transitionIt shows a transition effect when you tap or click the element.slide | fade | none
5data-update-page-paddingIt updates the padding of page by using resize, transition and update layout events.true | false
6data-visible-on-page-showIt defines toolbar-visibility when the parent page is shown.true | false

Flip Toggle Switch

Following table lists the flip toggle elements used with data-role = “flipswitch” attribute −

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-miniIt defines whether the switch should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
2data-on-textIt defines the “on” text on the flip switch.Default is “on”
3data-off-textIt defines the “off” text on the flip switch.Default is “off”


The following table lists footer elements used with data-role=”footer” attribute −

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-idIt defines the unique ID.text
2data-positionIt defines whether the footer should be positioned at the bottom or inline with page content.inline | fixed
3data-fullscreenIt defines whether the footer should be positioned at the bottom and over the page content or not.true | false
4data-themeIt defines the theme color of the footer.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the header elements used with data-role = “header” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-idIt defines the unique ID.text
2data-positionIt defines whether the header should be positioned at the bottom or inline with the page content.inline | fixed
3data-fullscreenIt defines whether the header should be positioned at the bottom and over the page content or not.true | false
4data-themeIt defines the theme color of the header.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the input elements used with type = “text|search|etc” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-clear-btnIt defines whether the input element should contain clear button or not.true | false
2data-clear-btn-textIt defines the text for the clear button.text
3data-miniIt defines whether input should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
4data-roleIt stops styling input or text areas as buttons.none
5data-themeIt defines the theme color of the input element.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the link elements used with jQuery Mobile.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-ajaxIt indicates whether the pages must be loaded through Ajax or not.true | false
2data-directionIt is used for reverse transition.reverse
3data-dom-cacheIt indicates whether jQuery DOM cache must be clear or not for pages.true | false
4data-prefetchIt is used to prefetch the pages into DOM.true | false
5data-relIt specifies the behavior of the link.back | dialog | external | popup
6data-transitionIt defines the transition from one page to another.fade | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none
7data-position-toIt defines the position of the popup boxes.origin | jQuery selector | window


Following table shows the list elements used with data-role = “listview” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-autodividersIt divides the list automatically.true | false
2data-count-themeIt defines the theme color of the count element.letter (a-z)
3data-divider-themeIt defines the theme color for list divider.letter (a-z)
4data-filterIt is used to filter the list values in the search box.true | false
5data-filter-placeholderIt defines some text inside the search box.text
6data-filter-themeIt defines the theme color for search filter.letter (a-z)
7data-iconIt provides the icon for the list.Default is no icon
8data-insetIt defines whether list should display with rounded corners and margin or not.true | false
9data-split-iconIt defines the icon for split button.The default icon is “arrow-r”
10data-split-themeIt defines the theme color for split button.letter (a-z)
11data-themeIt defines the theme color for the list.letter (a-z)

List Item

Following table shows list item elements used with data-role = “listview” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-filtertextIt is used to filter the list values using the text in the search box.text
2data-iconIt provides the icon for the list item.Default is no icon
3data-roleIt defines the divider for list items.list-divider
4data-themeIt defines the theme color for the list item.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the navbar elements used with data-role = “navbar” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-iconIt provides the icon for the list item.Default is no icon
2data-iconposIt defines the position for the icon.left | right | top | bottom | notext


Following table lists the page elements used with data-role = “page” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-dom-cacheIt indicates whether DOM cache must clear or not for individual pages.true | false
2data-overlay-themeIt defines the overlay color of the dialog pages.letter (a-z)
3data-themeIt defines theme color for the page.letter (a-z)
4data-titleIt provides the title for the page.Default is no icon
5data-urlIt is used to updating the URL.url


Following table lists the popup elements used with data-role = “popup” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-cornersIt defines whether the popup should display with rounded corners and margin or not.true | false
2data-dismissibleIt defines the whether popup should be close by clicking outside or not.true | false
3data-historyIt defines the whether popup should display the history of item when opened.true | false
4data-overlay-themeIt defines the overlay color of the popup box.letter (a-z)
5data-shadowIt displays the shadow for the popup box.true | false
6data-themeIt defines theme color for the popup box.letter (a-z)
7data-toleranceIt defines the edges of the window.30, 15, 30, 15

Radio Button

Following table lists the radio button elements used with type = “radio” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-miniIt defines whether the button should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
2data-roleIt stops the styling of radio buttons as enhanced buttons.none
3data-themeIt defines the theme color for the radio button.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the select elements used with jQuery Mobile.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-iconIt provides the icon for the select element.Default is “arrow-d”
2data-iconposIt defines the position of the icon.left | right | top | bottom
3data-inlineIt defines whether the button should be inline or not.true | false
4data-miniIt defines whether select should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
5data-native-menuIt use custom menu when it has been set to false.true | false
6data-overlay-themeIt defines the overlay color for the custom select menu.letter (a-z)
7data-placeholderIt is used to set an option element of non-native select.true | false
8data-roleIt stops the styling of select elements as buttons.none
9data-themeIt displays the theme color for the select elements.letter (a-z)


Following table lists the slider elements used with type = “range” attribute.

Sr.No.Data-attribute & DescriptionValue
1data-highlightIt highlights the slider.true | false
2data-miniIt defines whether the slider should display in smaller size or regular size.true | false
3data-roleIt stops the styling of slider controls as buttons.none
4data-themeIt displays the theme color for the slider control.letter (a-z)
5data-track-themeIt displays the theme color for the slider track.


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