MathML Algebra Symbols

Following is a list of MathML Algebra symbols. It includes the regular mathematical signs like “+”, “-” etc.

−−It is used to specify subtraction
×××It is used to specify multiplication
÷÷÷It is used to specify division
≠≠Not equal
≈≈Approximately equal
<&lt;&#x003c;It specifies less than
&le;&#x2264;It specifies less than or equal
>&gt;&#x003e;It specifies greater than
&ge;&#x2265;It specifies greater than or equal
±&plusmn;&#x00b1;It specifies plus or minus
&prop;&#x221d;It specifies proportional
&sum;&#x2211;It specifies summation
&prod;&#x220f;It specifies product
&lfloor;&#x230a;It specifies left floor
&rfloor;&#x230b;It specifies right floor
&lceil;&#x2308;It specifies left ceiling
&rceil;&#x2309;It specifies right ceiling


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