MathML Set Theory Symbols

∅∅It is used to specify the empty set
∈∈It is used to specify the member of set
∉∉It specifies not a member of set
⊆⊆It is used to specify a subset
⊈⊈It is used to specify not a subset
⊂⊂It is used to specify a strict subset
⊄⊄It is used to specify not a strict subset
⊇⊇It is used to specify a superset
⊉⊉It is used to specify not a superset
⊃⊃It is used to specify strict superset
⊅⊅It is used to specify not a strict superset
∩∩It is used to specify intersection
∪∪It is used to specify union
∖∖It is used to specify complement


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