MathML Superscripts

MathML superscript is created with the <msup> tag. You have to place the base inside the <msup> tag, followed by the superscript.


If you want to write x2, use the following MathML code:

Equivalent MathML code:

  1. <math xmlns=’’ display=’block’>  
  2.   <msup>  
  3.     <mi>x</mi>  
  4.     <mn>2</mn>  
  5.   </msup>  
  6. </math>  

MathML element <msup> acts more like a function than a normal HTML markup tag. In the above MathML code, the base and the superscript can be thought of as two “arguments” passed to the <msup> “function.” Both arguments need to be a single MathML element (e.g., <mi> or <mn>). It is fine for working with atomic values like x and 2, but things get more complicated once we start working with compound expressions.

Grouping Sub-Expressions

Group of sub expression is used to include more than one element. It cannot be passed directly into <msup>. Instead, you will have to use <mrow> tag to group the expression, as shown below.

For example: If you want to write e2x+1, use the following MathML code:

Equivalent MathML code:

  1.  <math xmlns=’’ display=’block’>    
  2.   <msup>  
  3.     <mi>e</mi>  
  4.     <mrow>  
  5.       <mn>2</mn>  
  6.       <mi>x</mi>  
  7.       <mo>+</mo>  
  8.       <mn>1</mn>  
  9.     </mrow>  
  10.   </msup>  
  11. </math>  

It will display the expression like this:

Mathml Superscript 1

To create a complex base expression, you have to wrap the superscript argument in an <mrow> element.

For example: If you want to write an expression (5x ? 3y)2, use the following MathML code:

Equivalent MathMl code:

  1. <math xmlns=’’ display=’block’>  
  2.   <msup>  
  3.     <mrow>  
  4.       <mo>(</mo>  
  5.         <mrow>  
  6.           <mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>x</mi></mrow>  
  7.           <mo></mo>  
  8.           <mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow>  
  9.         </mrow>  
  10.       <mo>)</mo>  
  11.     </mrow>  
  12.     <mn>2</mn>  
  13.   </msup>  
  14. </math>  

Supporting Browsers:

Elementchrome browser Chromeie browser IEfirefox browser Firefox (Gecko)opera browser Operasafari browser Safari
<msup>Not SupportedNot SupportedSupportedNot SupportedOnly Basic Support


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