Proper fractions, are fractions where the numerator is smaller than the denominator. For example: 23,49,1113…23,49,1113… are some proper fractions.
Some proper fractions have 2, 4 or 5 as their denominators.
There are certain shortcut methods for converting proper fractions with 2, 4 or 5 as denominators into decimals.
Rules for converting proper fractions with 2, 4 or 5 as denominators into decimals.
- At first, we write an equivalent fraction of given proper fraction with a denominator which is a power of ten.
- We then shift the decimal to as many places to the left as there are number of zeros after 1 in the denominator.
Example 1
Convert 1212 into a decimal.
Step 1:
1212 is a proper fraction of the type where the denominator is 2,4 or 5.
Step 2:
Here, we write an equivalent fraction of 1212 with a denominator 10.
Step 3:
Shifting the decimal one place to the left we get
Step 4:
So, 12=0.512=0.5Example 2
Convert 3434 into a decimal.
Step 1:
3434 is a proper fraction of the type where the denominator is 2,4 or 5.
Step 2:
We write an equivalent fraction of 3434 with a denominator 100.
Step 3:
Shifting the decimal two places to the left we get
Step 4:
So, 34=0.7534=0.75Example 3
Convert 2525 into a decimal.
Step 1:
2525 is a proper fraction of the type where the denominator is 2,4 or 5.
Step 2:
We write an equivalent fraction of 2525 with a denominator 10.
Step 3:
Shifting the decimal one place to the left we get
Step 4:
So, 25=0.4
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