Special Variables

There are some variables which have a predefined and special meaning in Perl. They are the variables that use punctuation characters after the usual variable indicator ($, @, or %), such as $_ ( explained below ).

Most of the special variables have an english like long name, e.g., Operating System Error variable $! can be written as $OS_ERROR. But if you are going to use english like names, then you would have to put one line use English; at the top of your program file. This guides the interpreter to pickup exact meaning of the variable.

The most commonly used special variable is $_, which contains the default input and pattern-searching string. For example, in the following lines −


foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
   print $_;
   print "\n";

When executed, this will produce the following result −


Again, let’s check the same example without using $_ variable explicitly −


foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
   print "\n";

When executed, this will also produce the following result −


The first time the loop is executed, “hickory” is printed. The second time around, “dickory” is printed, and the third time, “doc” is printed. That’s because in each iteration of the loop, the current string is placed in $_, and is used by default by print. Here are the places where Perl will assume $_ even if you don’t specify it −

  • Various unary functions, including functions like ord and int, as well as the all file tests (-f, -d) except for -t, which defaults to STDIN.
  • Various list functions like print and unlink.
  • The pattern-matching operations m//, s///, and tr/// when used without an =~ operator.
  • The default iterator variable in a foreach loop if no other variable is supplied.
  • The implicit iterator variable in the grep and map functions.
  • The default place to put an input record when a line-input operation’s result is tested by itself as the sole criterion of a while test (i.e., ). Note that outside of a while test, this will not happen.

Special Variable Types

Based on the usage and nature of special variables, we can categorize them in the following categories −

  • Global Scalar Special Variables.
  • Global Array Special Variables.
  • Global Hash Special Variables.
  • Global Special Filehandles.
  • Global Special Constants.
  • Regular Expression Special Variables.
  • Filehandle Special Variables.

Global Scalar Special Variables

Here is the list of all the scalar special variables. We have listed corresponding english like names along with the symbolic names.

$_The default input and pattern-searching space.
$.The current input line number of the last filehandle that was read. An explicit close on the filehandle resets the line number.
$/The input record separator; newline by default. If set to the null string, it treats blank lines as delimiters.
$,The output field separator for the print operator.
$\The output record separator for the print operator.
$”Like “$,” except that it applies to list values interpolated into a double-quoted string (or similar interpreted string). Default is a space.
$;The subscript separator for multidimensional array emulation. Default is “\034”.
$^LWhat a format outputs to perform a formfeed. Default is “\f”.
$:The current set of characters after which a string may be broken to fill continuation fields (starting with ^) in a format. Default is “\n””.
$^AThe current value of the write accumulator for format lines.
$#Contains the output format for printed numbers (deprecated).
$?The status returned by the last pipe close, backtick (“) command, or system operator.
$!If used in a numeric context, yields the current value of the errno variable, identifying the last system call error. If used in a string context, yields the corresponding system error string.
$@The Perl syntax error message from the last eval command.
$$The pid of the Perl process running this script.
$<The real user ID (uid) of this process.
$>The effective user ID of this process.
$(The real group ID (gid) of this process.
$)The effective gid of this process.
$0Contains the name of the file containing the Perl script being executed.
$[The index of the first element in an array and of the first character in a substring. Default is 0.
$]Returns the version plus patchlevel divided by 1000.
$^DThe current value of the debugging flags.
$^EExtended error message on some platforms.
$^FThe maximum system file descriptor, ordinarily 2.
$^HContains internal compiler hints enabled by certain pragmatic modules.
$^IThe current value of the inplace-edit extension. Use undef to disable inplace editing.
$^MThe contents of $M can be used as an emergency memory pool in case Perl dies with an out-of-memory error. Use of $M requires a special compilation of Perl. See the INSTALL document for more information.
$^OContains the name of the operating system that the current Perl binary was compiled for.
$^PThe internal flag that the debugger clears so that it doesn’t debug itself.
$^TThe time at which the script began running, in seconds since the epoch.
$^WThe current value of the warning switch, either true or false.
$^XThe name that the Perl binary itself was executed as.
$ARGVContains the name of the current file when reading from <ARGV>.

Global Array Special Variables

@ARGVThe array containing the command-line arguments intended for the script.
@INCThe array containing the list of places to look for Perl scripts to be evaluated by the do, require, or use constructs.
@FThe array into which the input lines are split when the -a command-line switch is given.

Global Hash Special Variables

%INCThe hash containing entries for the filename of each file that has been included via do or require.
%ENVThe hash containing your current environment.
%SIGThe hash used to set signal handlers for various signals.

Global Special Filehandles

ARGVThe special filehandle that iterates over command line filenames in @ARGV. Usually written as the null filehandle in <>.
STDERRThe special filehandle for standard error in any package.
STDINThe special filehandle for standard input in any package.
STDOUTThe special filehandle for standard output in any package.
DATAThe special filehandle that refers to anything following the __END__ token in the file containing the script. Or, the special filehandle for anything following the __DATA__ token in a required file, as long as you’re reading data in the same package __DATA__ was found in.
_ (underscore)The special filehandle used to cache the information from the last stat, lstat, or file test operator.

Global Special Constants

__END__Indicates the logical end of your program. Any following text is ignored, but may be read via the DATA filehandle.
__FILE__Represents the filename at the point in your program where it’s used. Not interpolated into strings.
__LINE__Represents the current line number. Not interpolated into strings.
__PACKAGE__Represents the current package name at compile time, or undefined if there is no current package. Not interpolated into strings.

Regular Expression Special Variables

$digitContains the text matched by the corresponding set of parentheses in the last pattern matched. For example, $1 matches whatever was contained in the first set of parentheses in the previous regular expression.
$&The string matched by the last successful pattern match.
$`The string preceding whatever was matched by the last successful pattern match.
$’The string following whatever was matched by the last successful pattern match.
$+The last bracket matched by the last search pattern. This is useful if you don’t know which of a set of alternative patterns was matched. For example : /Version: (.*)|Revision: (.*)/ && ($rev = $+);

Filehandle Special Variables

$|If set to nonzero, forces an fflush(3) after every write or print on the currently selected output channel.
$%The current page number of the currently selected output channel.
$=The current page length (printable lines) of the currently selected output channel. Default is 60.
$-The number of lines left on the page of the currently selected output channel.
$~The name of the current report format for the currently selected output channel. Default is the name of the filehandle.
$^The name of the current top-of-page format for the currently selected output channel. Default is the name of the filehandle with _TOP appended.


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