Events Methods

Form eventsblurAttaches or fires JavaScript “blur” event (when cursor go out from the input element).
changeAttach or fire JavaScript “change” event.
focusAttach or fire JavaScript “focus” event.
focusinAttach event handler for “focusin” event.
selectAttach or fire JavaScript “select” event.
submitAttach or fire JavaScript “submit” event.
Keyboard eventskeydownAttach or fire JavaScript “keydown” event.
keypressAttach or fire JavaScript “keypress” event.
keyupAttach or fire JavaScript “keyup” event.
focusoutAttach or fire JavaScript “focusout” event.
Mouse eventsclickAttach or fire JavaScript “click” event.
dblclickAttach or fire JavaScript “dblclick” event.
hoverAttach one or two event handlers to be executed when mouse pointer enters or leaves selected element(s).
mousedownAttach or fire JavaScript “mousedown” event.
mouseenterAttach or fire event when mouse pointer enters in selected element(s).
mouseleaveAttach or fire event when mouse pointer moves away from the selected element(s).
mousemoveAttach or fire JavaScript “mousemove” event.
mouseoutAttach or fire JavaScript “mouseout” event.
mouseoverAttach or fire JavaScript “mouseover” event.
mouseupAttach or fire JavaScript “mouseup” event.
toggleAttach two or more handlers to the matched elements, to be executed on alternate clicks.
Browser eventserrorAttach or fire JavaScript “error” event.
resizeAttach or fire JavaScript “resize” event.
scrollAttach or fire JavaScript “scroll” event.
Document loadingLoadAttach or fire JavaScript “load” event.
readySpecify a function to be executed when DOM is loaded completely.
unloadAttach or fire JavaScript “unload” event.


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