MathML Radicals

In MathML, two elements are used to specify radicals. These two elements are:

  • <msqrt> element
  • <mroot> element

The <msqrt> element creates a square root, taking the base as its only argument, and the <mroot> element is used to create an indexed root. It takes base and index as argument.

For example:

To write the following equation on the web page:

Mathml Radicals 1

Equivalent MathML code:

  1. <math xmlns=’’ display=’block’>  
  2.   <msqrt>  
  3.     <mn>4</mn>  
  4.   </msqrt>  
  5.   <mo>×</mo>  
  6.   <mroot>  
  7.     <mn>8</mn>  
  8.     <mn>3</mn>  
  9.   </mroot>  
  10.   <mo>=</mo>  
  11.   <mn>4</mn>  
  12. </math>  

Supporting Browsers:

Elementchrome browser Chromeie browser IEfirefox browser Firefox (Gecko)opera browser Operasafari browser Safari
<msqrt>Not SupportedNot SupportedSupportedNot SupportedOnly Basic Support


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