Benchmark percentages are rounded percentages that we often use. 1%, 10%, 25%, 3313%3313% and their multiples are some benchmark percentages
We sometimes use a benchmark percentage that is close to a given percentage to estimate. Here are some common benchmark percentages and their fractional equivalents.
S.No | Fraction | Benchmark Percentage |
1 | 110110 | 10% |
2 | 1515 | 20% |
3 | 1414 | 25% |
4 | 1212 | 50% |
5 | 3434 | 75% |
6 | 1 | 100% |
To estimate 47%, you could use 50% as a benchmark percent.Example 1
Represent the benchmark percentage of the following percentage on a grid.
Step 1:
We consider a 10 × 10 grid having 100 squares.
The number of shaded squares gives the percentage of the grid as that is out of a total of 100 squares.
Step 2:
The benchmark percentage of 21% is 20%. To show 20% on the grid, we show 20 shaded squares as shown below.Example 2
Represent the benchmark percentage of the following percentage on a grid.
Step 1:
We consider a 10 × 10 grid having 100 squares.
The number of shaded squares gives the percentage of the grid as that is out of a total of 100 squares.
Step 2:
The benchmark percentage of 59% is 60%. To show 60% on the grid, we show 60 shaded squares as shown below.Example 3
Represent the benchmark percentage of the following percentage on a grid.
Step 1:
We consider a 10 × 10 grid having 100 squares.
The number of shaded squares gives the percentage of the grid as that is out of a total of 100 squares.
Step 2:
The benchmark percentage of 74% is 75%. To show 75% on the grid, we show 75 shaded squares as shown below.
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