A mixed number is a whole number and a proper fraction combined. So, a mixed number consists of two parts, the whole number part and the fractional part. For example, in mixed number 225225 , the whole number part is 2 and the fractional part is 2525.
In this lesson, we convert given mixed number with a denominator of 2, 4 or 5 into a decimal.
Rules to convert a mixed number with a denominator of 2, 4 or 5 into a decimal.
- At first, we convert a mixed number with a denominator of 2, 4 or 5 into a fraction using the algorithm method.
- Then, we write its equivalent fraction such that the denominator is a power of ten.
- We then shift the decimal that many places to the left as there are zeros after 1 in the denominator.
Example 1
Convert 212212 into a decimal.
Step 1:
At first, we convert the mixed number into a fraction using the algorithm
Step 2:
Then we write an equivalent fraction of 5/2 with a denominator 10.
Step 3:
Shifting the decimal one place to the left we get
Step 4:
So, 212=2.5212=2.5Example 2
Convert 334334 into a decimal.
Step 1:
At first, we convert the mixed number into a fraction using the algorithm
Step 2:
Then we write an equivalent fraction of 15/4 with a denominator 100.
Step 3:
Shifting the decimal two places to the left we get
Step 4:
So, 334=3.75334=3.75
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