Type Conversions

JavaScript Type Conversions

Type Conversions in JavaScript refer to the automatic or explicit process of converting data from one data type to another in JavaScript. These conversions are essential for JavaScript to perform operations and comparisons effectively. JavaScript variables can contain the values of any data type as it is a weakly typed language.

There are two types of type conversion in JavaScript −

  • Implicit type conversion
  • Explicit type conversion

The implicit type conversion is also known as coercion.

Implicit Type Conversion

When type conversion is done by JavaScript automatically, it is called implicit type conversion. For example, when we use the ‘+‘ operator with the string and number operands, JavaScript converts the number to a string and concatenates it with the string.

Here are some examples of the implicit type conversion.

Converting to String (Implicit conversion)

In this example, we used the ‘+‘ operator to implicitly convert different values to the string data type.

"100"+24;// Converts 24 to string'100'+false;// Converts false boolean value to string"100"+null;// Converts null keyword to string

Please note that to convert a value to string using “+” operator, one operand should be string.

Let’s try the example below, and check the output −

<html><head><title>Implicit conversion to string </title></head><body><script>

Converting to Number (Implicit conversion)

When you use the string values containing the digits with the arithmetic operators except for the ‘+’ operator, it converts operands to numbers automatically and performs the arithmetic operation, which you can see in the example below.

Boolean values are also gets converted to a number.

'100'/50;// Converts '100' to 100'100'-'50';// Converts '100' and '50' to 100 and 50'100'*true;// Converts true to 1'100'-false;// Converts false to 0'tp'/50// converts 'tp' to NaN

Try the example below and check the output −

<html><head><title> Implicit conversion to Number </title></head><body><script>

Converting to Boolean (Implicit conversion)

When you use the Nullish (!!) operator with any variable, it implicitly converts its value to the boolean value.

num =!!0;// !0 = true, !!0 = false
num =!!1;// !1 = false, !!1 = true
str =!!"";// !"" = true, !!"" = false
str =!!"Hello";// !"Hello" = false, !!"Hello" = true

Null to Number (Implicit conversion)

In JavaScript, the null represents the empty. So, null automatically gets converted to 0 when we use it as an operand of the arithmetic operator.

let num =100+null;// Converts null to 0
num =100*null;// Converts null to 0

Undefined with Number and Boolean (Implicit conversion)

Using the undefined with the ‘number’ or ‘boolean’ value always gives the NaN in the output. Here, NaN means not a number.

<html><head><title> Using undefinedwith a number and boolean value </title></head><body><script>let num =100+undefined;// Prints NaN
      document.write("The value of the num is: "+ num +"<br>");
      num =false*undefined;// Prints NaN
      document.write("The value of the num is: "+ num +"<br>");</script></body></html>

Explicit Type Conversion

In many cases, programmers are required to convert the data type of the variable manually. It is called the explicit type conversion.

In JavaScript, you can use the constructor functions or built-in functions to convert the type of the variable.

Converting to String (Explicit conversion)

You can use the String() constructor to convert the numbers, boolean, or other data types into the string.

String(100);// number to stringString(null);// null to stringString(true);// boolean to string


You can use the String() constructor function to convert a value to the string.You can also use typeof operator to check the type of the resultant value.

<html><head><title> Converting to string explicitly </title></head><body><script>

We can also use the toString() method of Number object to convert number to string.

const num =100;
num.toString()// converts 100 to '100'

Converting to Number (Explicit conversion)

You can use the Numer() constructor to convert a string into a number. We can also use unary plus (+) operator to convert a string to number.

Number('100');// Converts '100' to 100Number(false);// Converts false to 0Number(null);// Converts null to 0
num =+"200";// Using the unary operator

However, you can also use the below methods and variables to convert the string into numbers.

Sr.No.Method / OperatorDescription
1parseFloat()To extract the floating point number from the string.
2parseInt()To extract the integer from the string.
3+It is an unary operator.


You can use the Number() constructor function or unary (+) operator to convert a string, boolean, or any other value to a number.

The Number() function also converts the exponential notation of a number to a decimal number.

<html><head><title> Converting to string explicitly </title></head><body><script>

Converting to Boolean (Explicit conversion)

You can use the Boolean() constructor to convert the other data types into Boolean.

Boolean(100);// Converts number to boolean (true)Boolean(0);// 0 is falsy value (false)Boolean("");// Empty string is falsy value (false)Boolean("Hi");// Converts string to boolean (true)Boolean(null);// null is falsy value (false)


You can use the Boolean() constructor to convert values to the Boolean. All false values like 0, empty string, null, undefined, etc., get converted to false and other values are converted to true.

<html><head><title> Converting to string explicitly </title></head><body><script>

Converting Date to String/Number

You can use the Date object’s Number() constructor or getTime() method to convert the date string into the number. The numeric date represents the total number of milliseconds since 1st January 1970.

Follow the syntax below to convert the date into a number.


You can use the String() constructor or the toString() method to convert the date into a string.

Follow the syntax below to convert the date into the string.


Let’s try to demonstrate this with the help of a program.

<html><head><title> Coverting date to string / number </title></head><body><script>let date =newDate();let numberDate = date.getTime();
      document.write("The Numeric date is: "+ numberDate +"<br/>");let dateString = date.toString();
      document.write("The string date is: "+ dateString +"<br/>");</script></body></html>

Conversion Table in JavaScript

In the below table, we have given the original values and their resultant value when we convert the original value to string, number, and boolean.

ValueString conversionNumber conversionBoolean conversion
[50, 100]“[50, 100]”NaNtrue


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