ToDo Webapp using Django

A high-level Web application platform called Django enables quick development and straightforward, practical design. We’ll build a to-do app today to help you get the hang of Django. Similar to Google Keep or Evernote, this web software allows users to create notes.

Modules Necessary:

  • crispy_forms
  • django : install django

Start the server by entering the following command into the terminal.

Enter into your web browser to see if the server is up and functioning. the server now by hitting

App Development:

Open the todo/ folder by performing: Create a folder called templates/todo/index.html in the directory todo.

Use a text editor to access the project folder. The directory organisation should resemble this:

In, add the todo app and crispy form to your todo site.


from django.contrib import admin  

from django.urls import path  

#importing todo in to it  

from todo import views  

urlpatterns = [  

    path('', views.index, name="the todo app"),   

# Remove the task associated with the specified id by passing item id as the main  

# key.  

    path('deli/<str:itemin_id>', views.remove, name="deli"),  

    path('admin/', admin.sitein.urls),  


Todo: Edit

from django.db import models  

#importing modules   

from django.utils import timezone  

class appTodo(models.Modelin):  

    titlein =modelsin.CharField(maxi_len=100)  


    date in=models.DateTimeField(  

    def __str__(self):  

        return self.title

todo Edit in:

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect  

from django.contrib import messages  

# importing of todo form and models  

from. forms import TodoForm  

from. models import Todo  

def index(req):  

    item_listin = Todo.objects.order_by("-date")  

    if request.methodin == "POST":  

        formin = TodoForm(req.POST)  

        if formin.is_valid():  


            return redirect('todo')  

    formin = TodoForm()  

    pageup = {  

            "forms" : formin,  

        "list" : item_list,  

            "title" : "TODO LIST",  


    return render(request, 'todo/index.html', page)  

# function that deletes an item uses the primary key todo item id from the url.  

def remove(request, itemin_id):  

    itemin = Todo.objects.get(id=itemin_id)  

    itemin.delete(), "the item is removed !!!")  

    return redirect('todo')

Now Add a Task to todo:

from django import forms  

#importing the modules  

from .models import Todo  

class TodoFormin(formsin.ModelForm):  

    class MetaX:  

        modelin = Todo  


We can now launch the server and view your to-do app.

python runserver  


ToDo Webapp using Django


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