Request Forms and Files

Import File and Form

Python 3.9+Python 3.8+Python 3.8+ non-Annotatedfrom typing import Annotated from fastapi import FastAPI, File, Form, UploadFile app = FastAPI()"/files/") async def create_file( file: Annotated[bytes, File()], fileb: Annotated[UploadFile, File()], token: Annotated[str, Form()], ): return { "file_size": len(file), "token": token, "fileb_content_type": fileb.content_type, }

Define File and Form parameters

Create file and form parameters the same way you would for Body or Query:Python 3.9+Python 3.8+Python 3.8+ non-Annotatedfrom typing import Annotated from fastapi import FastAPI, File, Form, UploadFile app = FastAPI()"/files/") async def create_file( file: Annotated[bytes, File()], fileb: Annotated[UploadFile, File()], token: Annotated[str, Form()], ): return { "file_size": len(file), "token": token, "fileb_content_type": fileb.content_type, }

The files and form fields will be uploaded as form data and you will receive the files and form fields.


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