Author: admin
Classes and Objects
Dive deeper into the concept of classes and objects, explaining how classes serve as blueprints for objects, and how objects encapsulate data and behavior.
What is the difference between a class and a structure?
Class: User-defined blueprint from which objects are created. It consists of methods or set of instructions that are to be performed on the objects. Structure: A structure is basically a user-defined collection of variables which are of different data types.
What is a class?
A class is a prototype that consists of objects in different states and with different behaviors. It has a number of methods that are common the objects present within that class.
What is an object?
An object is a real-world entity which is the basic unit of OOPs for example chair, cat, dog, etc. Different objects have different states or attributes, and behaviors.
Introduction to OOP
Begin with an overview of what OOP is, its principles (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction), and its benefits in software development.
What are the main features of OOPs?
To know more about OOPs in JAVA, Python, and C++ you can go through the following blogs:
What is Object Oriented Programming?
Object-Oriented Programming(OOPs) is a type of programming that is based on objects rather than just functions and procedures. Individual objects are grouped into classes. OOPs implements real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphism, hiding, etc into programming. It also allows binding data and code together.
What is the difference between OOP and SOP?
Object-Oriented Programming Structural Programming Object-Oriented Programming is a type of programming which is based on objects rather than just functions and procedures Provides logical structure to a program where programs are divided functions Bottom-up approach Top-down approach Provides data hiding Does not provide data hiding Can solve problems of any complexity Can solve moderate problems…
Understand Inheritance vs. Composition:
Know when to use inheritance and when to use composition. Inheritance is useful for “is-a” relationships, while composition is more suitable for “has-a” relationships.