Author: admin

  • PHP – Anonymous Classes

    The release of version 7.0 is an important milestone in the evolution of PHP language, when a lot of new features were introduced. The feature of Anonymous class was also made available in PHP version 7.0. As the term “anonymous” suggests, it is a class without a (programmer declared) name. The usual practice is to…

  • PHP – Cloning Objects

    A PHP statement such as “$obj1 = $obj2” merely creates another reference to the same object in memory. Hence, changes in attribute reflect both in original and duplicate object. The clone keyword in PHP creates a shallow copy of an object. Changes in the original object do not reflect in the shallow copy. Example Take a look…

  • PHP – Overloading

    In C++ or Java, the term means a class can a class method of same name more than once but with different arguments and/or return type. In PHP, the term overloading has a different interpretation. It is a feature with which properties and methods can be created dynamically. PHP’s magic methods (method names starting with…

  • PHP – The “Final” Keyword

    The “final” keyword in PHP is used in the definition of a class, a method inside a class, as well as with the definition of a constant property of a class. A Class with “final” Keyword Let’s see how to create a class with the “final” keyword − The “final” keyword in class definition prevents…

  • PHP – Encapsulation

    PHP implements encapsulation, one of the important principles of OOP with access control keywords: public, private and protected. Encapsulation refers to the mechanism of keeping the data members or properties of an object away from the reach of the environment outside the class, allowing controlled access only through the methods or functions available in the class. The following diagram…

  • PHP – Object Iteration

    A foreach loop may be employed to iterate through all the publicly visible members of an object of a PHP class. This feature has been available in versions of PHP 5 onwards. You can of course access the list of private properties inside an instance method. PHP also defines Iterator interface which can be used for the…

  • PHP – Namespaces

    We often organize the files in different folders. Usually a folder contains files related to a certain objective, or application or category. A folder can’t contain two files with the same name, though different folders may have a file of the same name so that the path of each file is different. The idea of…