Category: 03. BOOTSTRAP
How can one create an alert in Bootstrap?
Create a wrapper <div> and add a class of .alert and one of the contextual classes to create a basic alert (e.g., .alert-success, .alert-info, .alert-warning, .alert-danger, .alert-primary, .alert-secondary, .alert-light or .alert-dark).
What contextual classes can be used to style the panels?
To make a panel more meaningful to a specific context, use contextual state classes like panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, and panel-danger.
In Bootstrap, how do you make navigation elements?
The navigation elements in Bootstrap can be styled in a variety of ways. The markup and base class are the same in all of these .nav. To build tabular navigation or tabs, execute the following steps: Begin by creating an unordered list using the base class of .nav. The .nav-tabs class should be added.
In Bootstrap 4, what is flexbox?
Flexbox is a layout module for flexible boxes. Without using float or positioning, you can quickly create a flexible layout design with flexbox.
What is a lead?
Lead adds some emphasis to a paragraph. The .lead class is used to achieve this and it makes the font larger, taller, and lighter in weight.
In Bootstrap, what are the two codes for displaying code?
In Bootstrap, there are two straightforward ways to display code:
How can you use Bootstrap to make thumbnails?
To make thumbnails with Bootstrap, go through the steps below: Wrap an image in an <a> tag with the class .thumbnail. It will add a grey border and four pixels of padding. An animated light will now outline the image when it has hovered over.
What is a breadcrumb in Bootstrap?
Breadcrumbs are a wonderful way to display a site’s hierarchy-based information. Breadcrumbs can show the dates of publication, categories, and tags in the case of blogs. They show where the current page is in the navigational hierarchy. In Bootstrap, a breadcrumb is essentially an unordered list with the class .breadcrumb. CSS adds the separator for…
What is a Button Group, and what is the class for a basic Button Group?
Multiple buttons can be placed together on a single line using button groups. You can use this to group objects together, such as alignment buttons. The .btn-group class is used for basic button groups. You can use the class .btn to wrap a set of buttons in .btn-group.
What is the difference between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4
PARAMETER BOOTSTRAP 3 BOOTSTRAP 4 Grid System 4 tier grid system (xs, sm, md, lg). 5 tier grid system (xs, sm, md, lg, xl). CSS File LESS SASS Button Size Bootstrap 3 supports .btn-xs class. Only .btn-sm and .btn-lg are available in bootstrap 4. Horizontal Form We do not need a .row class using a…