Category: 06. Kotlin

  • Basic Syntax

    Kotlin Program Entry Point An entry point of a Kotlin application is the main() function. A function can be defined as a block of code designed to perform a particular task. Let’s start with a basic Kotlin program to print “Hello, World!” on the standard output: When you run the above Kotlin program, it will generate the…

  • Architecture

    Kotlin is a programming language and has its own architecture to allocate memory and produce a quality output to the end user. Following are the different scenarios where Kotlin compiler will work differently. Whenever two byte coded files ( Two different programs from Kotlin and Java) runs on the JVM, they can communicate with each…

  • Environment Setup

    Installing Kotlin command-line compiler One of the key features of Kotlin is that it has interoperability with Java i.e. You can write Kotlin and Java code in the same application. Like Java, Kotlin also runs on JVM therefore to install Kotlin on Windows directly and work with it using the command line You need to…

  • Overview

    What is Kotlin? Kotlin is a new open source programming language like Java, JavaScript, Python etc. It is a high level strongly statically typed language that combines functional and technical part in a same place. Currently, Kotlin mainly targets the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), but also compiles to JavaScript. Kotlin is influenced by other popular…