Category: 05. MainFrame

  • MainFrames Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the mainframe used for? Digital mainframe computer focuses on input/output devices, including large-capacity discs and printers for high-speed data processing. Payroll calculations, accounting, corporate transactions, information retrieval, airline seat reservations, and calculations in science and engineering have all been made on mainframes. Client-server architecture has largely replaced mainframe systems, which had remote…

  • VSAM

    A type of data set and the access technique used to control different user data types is a virtual storage access mechanism (VSAM). VSAM offers a lot more sophisticated functions than other disc access methods as an access mechanism. Disk records are stored in VSAM in a unique format incomprehensible to other access techniques. The…

  • JCL

    The main operating system for IBM Mainframe systems, Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), uses Job Control Language (JCL) as its command language. JCL notifies the Operating System using Job control Statements about the program to be performed, the inputs needed, and the input and output location. Programs can be run in batch mode or online mode…

  • IMS DB

    Information Management System is referred to as IMS. IMS was created in 1966 as part of the Apollo mission to send a man to the moon by IBM, Rockwell, and Caterpillar. It spearheaded the revolution in database management systems and is still developing to satisfy demands for data processing. IMS offers a user-friendly, dependable, and…


    Common Business Oriented Language is known as COBOL. It is procedural, object-oriented, and imperative. A computer program called a compiler converts other computer programs written in high-level (source) languages into machine code, which the computer can understand. Data is input into a file or database, processed, and produced via COBOL. In a nutshell, COBOL receives data,…

  • CICS

    “Customer Information Control System” is what CICS® stands for. It serves as the z/OS® operating system’s general-purpose transaction processing subsystem. While many other customers request to execute the same applications using the same files and programs, CICS offers services for executing an application online upon request. CICS controls resource allocation, data integrity, and execution priority…

  • How is it that Technology can evolve so quickly and still be so reliable?

    It can change to address brand-new difficulties. The client/server computing model, which relies on dispersed nodes of less powerful computers, first appeared in the early 1990s to compete with mainframe computers’ hegemony. Industry experts referred to the mainframe computer as a “dinosaur” and prophesied its quick demise. As a result, designers created new mainframe computers…

  • MainFrame Architecture

    Architecture is a set of specified concepts and guidelines that serve as building blocks for products. The architecture of mainframe computers has improved with each generation. Yet, they have remained the most reliable, secure, and interoperable of all computing systems Architecture in computer science specifies how a system is organized. An architecture can be broken…

  • Benefits of the MainFrame

    There are many benefits to using a mainframe for cloud computing. A few benefits are listed below that you should think about:

  • How are MainFrames Operated?

    IBM MainFrames are especially to operate