Category: Phalcon

  • Database Migrations

    Package git repository Requirements Installing via Composer composer require –dev phalcon/migrations Quick start What you need for quick start: After that you can execute that migrations (run) in another environment to create same DB structure. Create configuration file¶ Generate migrations¶ Basic generationvendor/bin/phalcon-migrations generate Run migrations¶ List existing migrations Usage example Migration methods¶ Each migration is…

  • Debug

    Overview PHP offers tools to debug applications with notices, warnings, errors and exceptions. The Exception class offers information such as the file, line, message, numeric code, backtrace etc. of where an error occurred. OOP frameworks like Phalcon mainly use this class to encapsulate this functionality and provide information back to the developer or user. Despite being written…

  • Phalcon Devtools

    Overview These tools help you to generate skeleton code, maintain your database structure and helps to speedup development. Core components of your application can be generated with a simple command, allowing you to easily develop applications using Phalcon. Phalcon Devtool can be controlled using the cmd line or the web interface. Installation Phalcon Devtools can…

  • Nanobox 

    Overview Nanobox is a portable, micro platform for developing and deploying apps. When working locally, Nanobox uses Docker to spin up and configure a virtual development environment configured to your specific needs. When you’re ready to deploy to live servers, Nanobox will take that same environment and spin it up on your cloud provider of choice,…

  • Environments

    Overview The Devilbox The Devilbox is a modern and highly customizable dockerized PHP stack supporting full LAMP and MEAN and running on all major platforms. The main goal is to easily switch and combine any version required for local development. It supports an unlimited number of projects for which vhosts, SSL certificates and DNS records are created…

  • Webserver Setup

    Overview In order for the routing for a Phalcon application to work, you will need to set up your web server in a way that it will process redirects properly. Below are instructions for popular web servers: PHP Built-in The PHP built-in web server is not recommended for production applications. You can use it though…

  • Tutorial 

    Overview Throughout this tutorial, we will create an application with a simple registration form, while introducing the main design aspects of Phalcon. This tutorial covers the implementation of a simple MVC application, showing how fast and easy it can be done with Phalcon. Once developed, you can use this application and extend it to suit…