Category: 06. Congruence and similarity

  • Similar triangles

    Similar triangles are triangles whose corresponding angles are equal. This does not mean that corresponding sides are also equal. If the sides are also equal, we say that the triangles are congruent. Triangle ABC and triangle EFG are similar for the following reasons: The corresponding angles are equal. Generally speaking, If you are looking at two…

  • Similar shapes

    Similar shapes have different sizes, but the same shape. Congruent shapes have the same size and the same shape. Circles whose radii are not the same are similar. In fact, all circles are similar because all circles must have the same shape.  For the circles below, the ratio of the diameter of the small circle to…

  • Properties of congruence

    The three properties of congruence are the reflexive property of congruence, the symmetric property of congruence, and the transitive property of congruence. These properties can be applied to segment, angles, triangles, or any other shape.Reflexive property of congruence The meaning of the reflexive property of congruence is that a segment, an angle, a triangle, or…

  • Congruent triangles

    Congruent triangles have the same size and the same shape. When triangles are congruent, all corresponding sides and corresponding angles are also congruent or equal. For example, the two triangles below are congruent. Corresponding angles are angles in the same position. Corresponding sides are sides that are in the same position. The two triangles above have a…

  • Congruent shapes

    Congruent shapes have the same size and the same shape. In other words, if you place an object in front of a mirror, the image that you see is congruent or ” equal ” to the object. When shapes are congruent, all corresponding sides and angles are also congruent.Look at the following two triangles.You should…