Category: 09. Pythagorean theorem

  • Pythagorean Theorem calculator

    The Pythagorean theorem calculator will help you solve Pythagorean problems with ease. Note that the triangle below is only a representation of a triangle. Your triangle may have a different shape or a different size, but it has to be a right triangle. a = b =   c = Guidelines to follow when using the…

  • Special right triangles

    There are two types of special right triangles. The first type is the 45°– 45°– 90° triangle and the second type is the 30°– 60°– 90° triangle. The 45°– 45°– 90° triangle is an isosceles right triangle and the 30°– 60°– 90° triangle is a scalene right triangle. The 450 – 450 – 900 triangle: In this triangle, the important thing to remember is that the legs have equal length.…

  • Pythagorean Triples

    Pythagorean triples, also called Pythagorean triplets, are sets of three whole numbers a,b, and c bigger than zero such that a2 + b2 = c2 The numbers a, b, and c are put inside parenthesis as (a, b, c) or the triple can be written as a, b, c without parenthesis. Notice that c is listed last…

  • Converse of the Pythagorean theorem

    The converse of the Pythagorean theorem helps you to find out if a triangle is a right triangle. Furthermore, it can help you find the type of triangle you are dealing with. Basically, the converse of the Pythagorean theorem states that whenever the sum of the squares of two sides (legs) equal to the square…

  • Pythagorean theorem

    The Pythagorean Theorem was named after famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras. It is an important formula that states the following: a2 + b2 = c2 Looking at the figure above, did you make the following important observation? This may help us to see why the formula works. Therefore, area of red square  + area of blue square =…