Category: jQuery Ajax

  • jQuery load() Method

    The jQuery load() method allows HTML or text content to be loaded from a server and added into a DOM element. Syntax:$.load(url,[data],[callback]); Parameters Description: The following example shows how to load html content from the server and add it to div element. Example: Load HTML Content In the above example, we have specified html file…

  • jQuery post() Method

    The jQuery post() method sends asynchronous http POST request to the server to submit the data to the server and get the response. Syntax:$.post(url,[data],[callback],[type]); Parameter Description: Let’s see how to submit data and get the response using post() method. Consider the following example. Example: jQuery post() Method Try it In the above example, first parameter…

  • jQuery get Method

    The jQuery get() method sends asynchronous http GET request to the server and retrieves the data. Parameters Description: The following example shows how to retrieve data from a text file. Example: jQuery get() Method In the above example, first parameter is a url from which we want to retrieve the data. Here, we want to…

  • jQuery ajax() Method

    The jQuery ajax() method provides core functionality of Ajax in jQuery. It sends asynchronous HTTP requests to the server. Syntax:$.ajax(url); $.ajax(url,[options]); Parameter description: The following table list all the options available for configuring Ajax request. Options Description accepts The content type sent in the request header that tells the server what kind of response it…

  • jQuery AJAX Introduction

    AJAX stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”. JavaScript includes features of sending asynchronous http request using XMLHttpRequest object. Ajax is about using this ability of JavaScript to send asynchronous http request and get the xml data as a response (also in other formats) and update the part of a web page (using JavaScript) without reloading or refreshing…