Category: jQuery Mobile API

  • Properties

    jQuery Mobile also exposes a set of properties that are publicly available so you do not have to write your own jQuery selectors to access common components. $.mobile.activePageGets the page or dialog element that is the currently active or visible. The active page is assigned the CSS class as specified by $.mobile.activePageClass. $.mobile.firstPageThis is the…

  • Trigger Events

    Triggering jQuery Mobile page events can be helpful when building dynamic pages. For instance, if you add several new components to a page you can call the create event to enhance all new widgets on the page at once.

  • Events

    jQuery Mobile also exposes several events that are helpful when you need to programmatically apply pre or post processing during page changes within your Mobile Web application. In this section we will review the complete list of jQuery Mobile page events that you may bind to in your own code. For an introduction of the…

  • Methods

    jQuery Mobile exposes a suite of methods that are helpful when you need to programmatically update your Mobile Web application.

  • Configurable jQuery Mobile Options

    The following are configurable $.mobile options you may override within your custom JavaScript. CopycopyHighlighthighlightAdd NotenoteGet Linklink

  • Custom Script Placement

    Since mobileinit gets triggered immediately upon execution of jQuery Mobile, you need to place your custom script before the jQuery Mobile JavaScript file. Example: Configurable jQuery Mobile Options The following are configurable $.mobile options you may override within your custom JavaScript. CopycopyHighlighthighlightAdd NotenoteGet Linklink

  • Configuring jQuery Mobile

    When jQuery Mobile initializes, it triggers a mobileinit event on the document object. You can bind to the mobileinit event and apply overrides to jQuery Mobile’s ($.mobile) default configuration settings. In addition, you can extend jQuery Mobile with additional behavior and properties. For instance, there are two ways to configure jQuery Mobile as shown in the examples below. You can either…