Category: jQuery Mobile

  • Data Attributes

    Button It specifies a clickable button that includes content like text or images using the class ui-btn. It is deprecated in version 1.4. Use the ui-btn attribute instead of using data-role = “button” attribute. Following table lists the button elements used with data attribute. Sr.No. Data-attribute & Description Value 1 data-cornersIt defines whether the button should contain rounded corners or…

  • CSS Classes

    jQuery CSS Classes You can use different types of CSS classes to style the elements as described in the below sections. Global Classes The following classes can be used as global classes on jQuery Mobile widgets − Sr.No. Class & Description 1 ui-corner-allIt displays the elements with rounded corners. 2 ui-shadowIt displays the shadow for…

  • Themes

    It sets different types of theme on the buttons, navbars, blocks, links and so on. You can set the theme using data-theme attribute. Following table describes the use of the theme functionality in different areas which is supported by jQuery Mobile. Sr.No. Functionality & Description 1 ThemesIt provides two different types of themes such as theme “a”…

  • Forms

    Creation of forms is easy and very flexible, which are built with a combination of standardized form elements and buttons. Following table demonstrates the types of form in detail. Sr.No. Type & Description 1 Form BasicjQuery Mobile provides powerful, easy, and versatile layout system for Forms, which combines form styles, input button, and slider support.…

  • Events

    jQuery Mobile allows to create dynamic web pages. By using events, you can set up event-driven process on the elements, which are triggered by the user’s interaction such as mouse click, mouse hover on an element, key press on the keyboard, etc. Following table lists some of the events for the mobile devices, which are…

  • Widgets

    A widget is a small gadget or control of your jQuery mobile application. Widgets can be very handy as they allow you to put your favorite applications on your home screen in order to quickly access them. Following table demonstrates the types of Widgets in detail. Sr.No. Type & Description 1 ButtonsIt specifies clickable button…

  • Layouts

    Grid systems are used to create page layouts through a series of rows and columns that house your content. Below table demonstrates the types of grids in detail. Sr.No. Type & Description 1 GridjQuery mobile grid system creates page layouts through a series of rows and columns. 2 Buttons in gridsCollection of button in grid…

  • Transitions

    It allows to change property values which occurs over specified duration and alters behavior of an element from one state to another state by applying different styles for each state. Following table lists down some of the page transitions used in the jQuery Mobile framework − Sr.No. Transition & Description For Pages For Dialogs 1…

  • Icons

    jQuery Mobile provides a set of built-in icons, which can be used with buttons, listview buttons which will make the buttons more attractive. Following table lists down some of the icons used in the jQuery Mobile framework. Sr.No. Icon Area & Description 1 Icon SetIt sets the icon in the button. 2 Positioning IconsIt specifies…

  • Pages

    The user can interact with jQuery Mobile pages, which groups the content into logical views and page views. Page view can be animated using page transitions. Multiple pages can be created using HTML document and therefore, there is no need of requesting the content from the server. Following table demonstrates the types of pages in…