Category: jQuery UI Effects

  • Toggle Class

    This chapter will discuss the toggleClass() method, which is a useful new class for manipulation. toggleClass() method adds or removes one or more classes from each element in the set of matched elements. Syntax Added in Version 1.0 of jQueryUI The toggleClass() method has its basic syntax as follows −.toggleClass( className [, switch ] [, duration ] [, easing ] [,…

  • Toggle

    This chapter will discuss the toggle() method of jQueryUI visual effects. toggle() method toggles the show () or hide () methods depending on whether the element is hidden or not. Syntax The toggle() method has the following syntax −.toggle( effect [, options ] [, duration ] [, complete ] ) Sr.No. Parameter & Description 1 effectThis is a String indicating which…

  • Switch Class

    This chapter will discuss the switchClass() method, which is a useful new class for manipulation. switchClass() method move from one CSS one CSS class to another, animating the transition from one state to the other. Syntax Added In Version 1.0 of jQueryUI The switchClass() method has its basic syntax as follows −.switchClass( removeClassName, addClassName [, duration ] [, easing ] [,…

  • Show

    This chapter will discuss the show() method, which is one of the methods used to manage jQueryUI visual effects. show() method displays an item using the indicated effect. show() method toggles the visibility of the wrapped elements using the specified effect. Syntax The show() method has the following syntax −.show( effect [, options ] [, duration ] [, complete ] ) Sr.No.…

  • Remove Class

    This chapter will discuss the removeClass() method, wh ich is one of the methods used to manage jQueryUI visual effects. removeClass() method removes the applied classes from the elements. removeClass() method removes the specified classes to the matched elements while animating all style changes. Syntax Added In Version 1.0 of jQueryUI The removeClass() method has its basic syntax as follows −.removeClass( className…

  • Hide

    This chapter will discuss the hide() method, which is one of the methods used to manage jQueryUI visual effects. effect() method applies an animation effect to hide elements. Syntax The hide() method has the following syntax −.hide( effect [, options ] [, duration ] [, complete ] ) Sr.No. Parameter & Description 1 effectThis is a String indicating which effect to…

  • Effect

    This chapter will discuss the effect() method, which is one of the methods used to manage jQueryUI visual effects. effect() method applies an animation effect to the elements without having to show or hide it. Syntax The effect() method has the following syntax −.effect( effect [, options ] [, duration ] [, complete ] ) Sr.No. Parameter & Description 1 effectThis…

  • Color Animation

    jQueryUI extends some core jQuery methods so that you can animate different transitions for an element. One of them being animate method. jQueryUI extends the jQuery animate method, to add support for animating colors. You can animate one of several CSS properties that define an element’s colors. Following are the CSS properties that the animate method supports. Syntax The following is…

  • Add Class

    This chapter will discuss the addClass() method, which is one of the methods used to manage jQueryUI visual effects. addClass() method allow animating the changes to the CSS properties. addClass() method add specified classes to the matched elements while animating all style changes. Syntax Added In Version 1.0 of jQueryUI The addClass() method has its basic syntax as follows −.addClass( className [,…