Category: MathML
MathML Matrices
In MathML, the <mtable> element is used to create tables or matrices. The <mtable> element contains only <mtr> and <mtd> elements. These elements are similar to <table>, <tr> and <td> elements in HTML. For example: To create a 3×3 matrix, having the following data: Equivalent MathML code: Note: By default, an <mtable> element has no borders at…
MathML Fractions
In MathML, fraction is created by using the <mfrac> tag. The numerator is taken as the first argument, followed by the denominator. This tag is used to display the basic algebra equations on web pages. For example: To represent Use the following MathML code: Attributes of Fraction element There are some useful attributes used with <mfrac>…
MathML Radicals
In MathML, two elements are used to specify radicals. These two elements are: The <msqrt> element creates a square root, taking the base as its only argument, and the <mroot> element is used to create an indexed root. It takes base and index as argument. For example: To write the following equation on the web…
MathML Overscript
MathML overscript is created with <mover> element. It attaches an accent or a limit over an expression. Syntax: Example To write the following expression: Equivalent MathML code: Attributes of Overscript Element index Attribute Description 1) accent If it is set true the over-script is an accent, which is drawn closer to the base expression. If…
MathML Underscript
MathML underscript is created with the <munder> tag. It attaches an accent or limit under an expression. Syntax: Example To write the following expression: Equivalent MathML code: Attributes of Underscript Element Index Attribute Description 1) accentunder If it is set true, the element is an accent, which is drawn closer to the base expression. If…
MathML Superscripts
MathML superscript is created with the <msup> tag. You have to place the base inside the <msup> tag, followed by the superscript. Example If you want to write x2, use the following MathML code: Equivalent MathML code: MathML element <msup> acts more like a function than a normal HTML markup tag. In the above MathML…
MathML Subscript
MathML subscript is created with <msub> tag. It is used to attach a subscript to an expression. It uses the following syntax: <msub> base subscript </msub>. For Example: To write X1 Equivalent MathML code: Attributes of Subscript Element Index Attribute Description 1) class, id, style It is provided for use with stylesheets. 2) href It is…
The MathML <mo> element is used to specify an operator on a web page. It can specify any type of operator for example: =, +, ?, ?, and even parentheses and commas. Let’s take an expression to deploy an operator. 3 x – 2 y Equivalent code: Note: Traditional typography differentiates hyphens from minus signs,…
MathML Set Theory Symbols
Symbol Entity Hex Description ∅ ∅ ∅ It is used to specify the empty set ∈ ∈ ∈ It is used to specify the member of set ∉ ∉ ∉ It specifies not a member of set ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ It is used to specify a subset ⊈ ⊈ ⊈ It is used to specify…
MathML Vectors and Functions Symbols
Symbol Entity Hex Description ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ It is used to specify dot product ⨯ ✗ ⨯ It is used to specify cross product ‖ | ‖ It is used to specify norm (magnitude) bars ⟨ ⟨ ⟨ It is used to specify left angle bracket ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ It is used to specify right…