Category: 08. Types of graphs

  • What is a pictograph?

    What is a pictograph? A graph is a visual way to display information. A pictograph is a special type of graph that uses pictures or symbols to display information. The pictures or symbols in a pictograph usually represent more than one item. The following is an example of a pictograph: The pictograph above has a title and a scale. …

  • Scatter plots

    Scatter plots, also called scatter graphs, are used to show relationship between two sets of data by writing them as ordered pairs and plotting these ordered pairs on the coordinate system.To illustrate, let us pretend that you have a business that sells notebooks. Day 1, you sell 10 notebooks Day 2, you sell 5 notebooks…

  • Circle graphs

    Circle graphs, also called pie charts are used to show how the whole of something is divided into parts. The following is a circle graph: There is nothing special about using a three-dimensional figure to represent this type of graph. If we use a view from the top, we graph become the following: A pie…

  • Making line graphs

    Making line graphs to show change over a period of time is most of the time a straightforward process. Instead of drawing bars, a dot is used at the correct height. Then, we connect all dots on the graph with a line. Take a look at the following line graph. Keep reading while we explain…

  • Double bar graphs

    Double bar graphs, also called double bar charts, help us to compare or present more than one kind of information, situations, or events instead of just one by using bars. What you see above is a double bar chart. Take a close look at it and study it carefully, so you can become familiar with…

  • Bar graphs

    Bar graphs, also called bar charts, compare values between categorical data over a period of time by using rectangular bars. Bar charts might be little easier to create than some other types of graphs that might take a long time to construct. The figure below shows a bar graph. The information displayed in the bar graph above…

  • Types of graphs

    There are many types of graphs. In this lesson, you will learn about the most common types of graphs used in mathematics such as the ones that are listed below: What is a pictograph? A pictograph is a graph that uses pictures or symbols to display information. The pictures in a pictograph usually represent more than one…