Category: Learn SQLite

  • SQLite Expressions

    SQLite Expressions are the combination of one or more values, operators and SQL functions. These expressions are used to evaluate a value. SQLite expressions are written in query language and used with SELECT statement. Syntax: There are mainly three types of SQLite expressions: 1) SQLite Boolean Expression SQLite Boolean expressions are used to fetch the…

  • SQLite Operators

    SQLite operators are reserved words or characters used in SQLite statements when we use WHERE clause to perform operations like comparisons and arithmetic operations. Operators can be used to specify conditions and as conjunction for multiple conditions in SQLite statements. There are mainly 4 type of operators in SQLite: SQLite Arithmetic Operators The following table…

  • SQLite Data Types

    SQLite data types are used to specify type of data of any object. Each column, variable and expression has related data type in SQLite. These data types are used while creating table. SQLite uses a more general dynamic type system. In SQLite, the datatype of a value is associated with the value itself, not with…

  • SQLite Commands

    SQLite commands are similar to SQL commands. There are three types of SQLite commands: Data Definition Language There are three commands in this group: CREATE: This command is used to create a table, a view of a table or other object in the database. ALTER: It is used to modify an existing database object like a table.…

  • SQLite Installation

    Install SQLite on Windows Follow the steps given below: AD The above method facilitates you a permanent way to create database, attach database and detach database. There is another way to execute CRUD operation in SQLite. In this method, there is no need to set a path. You can execute the SQLite query here. But…

  • SQLite Advantages

    SQLite is a very popular database which has been successfully used with on disk file format for desktop applications like version control systems, financial analysis tools, media cataloging and editing suites, CAD packages, record keeping programs etc. There are a lot of advantages to use SQLite as an application file format: 1) Lightweight 2) Better…

  • SQLite Features/ Why to use SQLite

    Following is a list of features which makes SQLite popular among other lightweight databases:

  • SQLite History

    SQLite was designed originally on August 2000. It is named SQLite because it is very light weight (less than 500Kb size) unlike other database management systems like SQL Server or Oracle. Year Happenings 2000 SQLite was designed by D. Richard Hipp for the purpose of no administration required for operating a program. 2000 In August…

  • SQL vs SQLite

    Differences between SQL and SQLite SQL SQLite SQL is a Structured Query Language used to query a Relational Database System. It is written in C language. SQLite is an Embeddable Relational Database Management System which is written in ANSI-C. SQL is a standard which specifies how a relational schema is created, data is inserted or…

  • SQLite Tutorial

    SQLite Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of SQLite. Our SQLite Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. SQLite is embedded relational database management system. It is self-contained, serverless, zero configuration and transactional SQL database engine. Our SQLite Tutorial includes all topics of SQLite such as SQLite with history, features, advantages, installation, commands, syntax,…