MongoDB Data API

MongoDB Data API

The MongoDB Data API can be used to query and update data in a MongoDB database without the need for language specific drivers.

Language drivers should be used when possible, but the MongoDB Data API comes in handy when drivers are not available or drivers are overkill for the application.

Read & Write with the MongoDB Data API

The MongoDB Data API is a pre-configured set of HTTPS endpoints that can be used to read and write data to a MongoDB Atlas database.

With the MongoDB Data API, you can create, read, update, delete, or aggregate documents in a MongoDB Atlas database.

Cluster Configuration

In order to use the Data API, you must first enable the functionality from the Atlas UI.

From the MongoDB Atlas dashboard, navigate to Data API in the left menu.

Select the data source(s) you would like to enable the API on and click Enable the Data API.

Access Level

By default, no access is granted. Select the access level you’d like to grant the Data API. The choices are: No Access, Read Only, Read and Write, or Custom Access.

Data API Key

In order to authenticate with the Data API, you must first create a Data API key.

Click Create API Key, enter a name for the key, then click Generate API Key.

Be sure to copy the API key and save it somewhere safe. You will not get another chance to see this key again.

Sending a Data API Request

We can now use the Data API to send a request to the database.

In the next example, we’ll use curl to find the first document in the movies collection of our sample_mflix database. We loaded this sample data in the Intro to Aggregations section.

To run this example, you’ll need your App Id, API Key, and Cluster name.

You can find your App Id in the URL Endpoint field of the Data API page in the MongoDB Atlas UI.


curl --location --request POST '<DATA API APP ID>/endpoint/data/v1/action/findOne' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Access-Control-Request-Headers: *' \
--header 'api-key: <DATA API KEY>' \
--data-raw '{
    "dataSource":"<CLUSTER NAME>",
    "projection": {"title": 1}

Try it Yourself »

Data API Endpoints

In the previous example, we used the findOne endpoint in our URL.

There are several endpoints available for use with the Data API.

All endpoints start with the Base URL:<Data API App ID>/endpoint/data/v1/action/

Find a Single Document


POST Base_URL/findOne

The findOne endpoint is used to find a single document in a collection.

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>,
  "projection": <projection>

Find Multiple Documents


POST Base_URL/find

The find endpoint is used to find multiple documents in a collection.

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>,
  "projection": <projection>,
  "sort": <sort expression>,
  "limit": <number>,
  "skip": <number>

Insert a Single Document


POST Base_URL/insertOne

The insertOne endpoint is used to insert a single document into a collection.

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "document": <document>

Insert Multiple Documents


POST Base_URL/insertMany

The insertMany endpoint is used to insert multiple documents into a collection.

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "documents": [<document>, <document>, ...]

Update a Single Document


POST Base_URL/updateOne

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>,
  "update": <update expression>,
  "upsert": true|false

Update Multiple Documents


POST Base_URL/updateMany

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>,
  "update": <update expression>,
  "upsert": true|false

Delete a Single Document


POST Base_URL/deleteOne

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>

Delete Multiple Documents


POST Base_URL/deleteMany

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "filter": <query filter>

Aggregate Documents


POST Base_URL/aggregate

Request Body


  "dataSource": "<data source name>",
  "database": "<database name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "pipeline": [<pipeline expression>, ...]


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