What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?

CriteriaPython Arrays Python Lists
DefinitionArrays are data structures that hold fixed-size elements of the same type.Lists are versatile data structures that can hold elements of different types and sizes.
MutableArrays are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified once created.Lists are mutable, allowing for modification of elements after creation.
SizeArray size is fixed upon creation and cannot be changed.Lists can dynamically resize to accommodate new elements or remove existing elements.
HomogeneousArrays store elements of the same data type, ensuring homogeneity.Lists can store elements of different data types, allowing heterogeneity.
AccessElements in an array can be accessed using indexing.Elements in a list can be accessed using indexing.
OperationsArrays support mathematical and logical operations on their elements efficiently.Lists provide a wide range of built-in methods and operations for manipulation and data handling.
MemoryArrays consume less memory compared to lists.Lists consume more memory due to their flexibility and dynamic resizing.


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