Naming segments, rays, and lines


Point − A basic geometric entity. It that has no length, width or height. It is described only by its position.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.1

This is a point Q

Straight line − A set of points that extend indefinitely in both directions.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.2

This is an example of line UT.

A line is a continuous set of points that continues on indefinitely. The arrow indicates infinite length.

Line segment − A part of a line with two end points say X and Y.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.3

This is an example of line segment XY.

Ray − A part of a line with one endpoint. A ray extends indefinitely in one direction.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.4

This is an example of ray DT.Example 1:

Identify given figure as a line segment, a ray or a line. Then name the figure using the given points.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.5


Step 1:

The given figure has one end point and continues indefinitely in one direction. Therefore, it is a ray.

Step 2:

The ray is named as FG.Example 2:

Identify given figure as a line segment, a ray or a line. Then name the figure using the given points.Naming segments, rays, and lines 3.6


Step 1:

The given figure continues indefinitely in both directions. So it is a line.

Step 2:

The line is named as CD


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