Problem 1:
A mixture is obtained by mixing four items of following weights; 132.45 grams, 220.11 grams, 128.62 grams and 140 grams. What is the total weight of the mixture?
Step 1:
The first item’s weight = 132.45 grams
The second item’s weight = 220.11 grams
The third item’s weight = 128.62 grams
The fourth item’s weight = 140 grams
Step 2:
The total weight of the four items
= 132.45 + 220.11 + 128.62 + 140
= 621.18 gramsProblem 2:
Phil saved 142.12,142.12,136.72, 330.27and330.27���250 in four months. Find the total amount Phil saved during those four months.
Step 1:
Amount saved in first month = $142.12
Amount saved in first month = $136.72
Amount saved in first month = $330.27
Amount saved in first month = $250
Step 2:
The total amount saved in four months
= 142.12+142.12+136.72 + 330.27+330.27+250
= $859.11
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