Author: admin
What are the elements of the CSS Box Model?
The CSS box model defines the layout and design of CSS elements. The elements are content (like text and images, padding (the area around content), border (the area around padding), and margin (the area around the border).
Tell us about the use of the ruleset.
The ruleset is used for the identification of selectors, which can be attached with other selectors. The two parts of a ruleset are:
What do you understand by the universal sector?
A universal selector is a selector that matches any element type’s name instead of selecting elements of a particular type. Example: <style> * { color: blue; font-size: 10px; } </style>
Name some CSS frameworks
CSS frameworks are libraries that make web page styling easier. Some of them are Foundation, Bootstrap, Gumby, Ukit, Semantic UI, etc.
How do you create links to different sections within the same HTML web page?
We use the <a> tag, along with referencing through the use of the # symbol, to create several links to different sections within the same web page.
What is white space in HTML?
An empty sequence of space characters is called the white space in HTML. This white space is considered as a single space character in the HTML. White space helps the browser to merge multiple spaces into one single space, and so taking care of indentation becomes easier. White space helps in better organizing the content…
How do you insert a copyright symbol in HTML?
You can insert a copyright symbol by using © or © in an HTML file.
How do we insert a comment in HTML?
We can insert a comment in HTML by beginning with a lesser than sign and ending with a greater than sign. For example, “<!-“ and “->.”
How would you display the given table on an HTML webpage?
5 pcs 10 5 1 pcs 50 5 The HTML Code for the problem depicted above is:
How do you display a table in an HTML webpage?
The HTML <table> tag is used to display data in a tabular format. It is also used to manage the layout of the page, for example, header section, navigation bar, body content, footer section. Given below are the list of HTML tags used for displaying a table in an HTML webpage: Tag Description <table> It…