Category: FAQ’s

  • Why do we need numpy in python?

    NumPy is a core Python library for efficient numerical computing. It offers high-performance multidimensional array objects and tools for working with these arrays. Leveraging C for speed, it allows for vectorized operations, broadcasting, and direct array arithmetic, which boosts performance and reduces code complexity. Integral to Python’s scientific stack, it enables seamless integration with libraries…

  • How to install Python on Windows and set a path variable?

    To install Python on Windows and set a path variable, follow the steps below: Download Python: Run the Installer: Set the Path Variable: Verify the Installation: Here’s the code to check the Python version using Command Prompt: python –version

  • What is type conversion in Python?

    Python offers a valuable feature that allows for the conversion of data types as needed. This process is referred to as type conversion in Python. Type conversion can be divided into two types: Implicit Type Conversion: This type of conversion is automatically performed by the Python interpreter without requiring any user intervention. Explicit Type Conversion:…

  • What are local variables and global variables in Python?

    A local variable is a variable that is defined within a specific function and is only accessible within that function. It cannot be accessed by other functions within the program. In contrast, a global variable is a variable that is declared outside of any function, allowing it to be accessed by all functions in the…

  • What are the common built-in data types in Python?

    Python supports the below-mentioned built-in data types: Immutable data types: Mutable data types:

  • What are functions in Python?

    A function is a segment of code that runs only when it is called. The “def” keyword is utilized to define a specific function, as exemplified below: Output:Hi, Welcome to Intellipaat

  • What is a dictionary in Python?

    Python supports various data types, including dictionaries. A dictionary in Python is a collection of elements that are stored as key-value pairs. It is an unordered data structure, and the indexing is done based on the keys assigned to each element. Let’s consider an example: we have a dictionary named ‘dict’ with two keys, ‘Country’…

  • What is scope resolution?

    In Python, a scope defines the region of code where an object remains valid and accessible. Every object in Python operates within its designated scope. Namespaces are used to uniquely identify objects within a program, and each namespace is associated with a specific scope where objects can be used without any prefix. The scope of…

  • What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?

    Criteria Python Arrays  Python Lists Definition Arrays are data structures that hold fixed-size elements of the same type. Lists are versatile data structures that can hold elements of different types and sizes. Mutable Arrays are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified once created. Lists are mutable, allowing for modification of elements after creation. Size…

  • What are decorators?

    In Python, decorators serve as essential functions that enable the addition of functionality to an already existing function without altering its structure. These decorators are denoted by the @decorator_name syntax in Python and are invoked in a bottom-up manner. Below is an example illustrating how decorators work correctly: Output: ‘hello,i am sam’