Category: Math Faqs

  • Explain what calculus is.

    Calculus refers to a branch of math that involves finding the different properties of integrals and derivatives of functions. There are two main types of calculus: integral calculus and differential calculus.  Differential calculus analyzes how quickly different factors change as represented on the slope of a tangent. In contrast, integral calculus focuses on the sizes…

  • Explain what a cubic meter is.

    A cubic meter is a unit of measurement that mathematicians use to determine an object’s volume based on its length, width, and height. Candidates should understand that cubic meters are represented by the unit “m” to the power of three and may explain that one cubic meter is the equivalent of 1000 liters.

  • What is the standard deviation?

    The standard deviation refers to the measure of how spread out data is relative to its mean value. Candidates may mention that the standard deviation is represented by the Greek letter sigma (σ).

  • What is a tangent?

    A tangent is a line on a graph that touches a curve but does not divide, pass through, or cut the curve.

  • Explain what BODMAS means

    How familiar are your candidates with the acronym BODMAS? Do they know that they can use it to solve complex calculations? Candidates may explain that each letter in BODMAS has a meaning:

  • Explain what the distributive laws are

    Can your candidates explain that according to the distributive laws, the result of an equation will be the same whether you multiply the numbers in the equation added together or multiply the numbers separately and add them together? 

  • Explain what the associative laws are.

    Candidates should know that the associative laws state that when you add or multiply three real numbers, the grouping of those numbers doesn’t affect the resulting value. An example of the associative laws in an equation is (x + y) + z = (x + y) + z.

  • Explain what the commutative laws are.

    Candidates should understand that according to the commutative laws, you can rearrange numbers in an equation and still end up with the same sum or product. One example of this is the equation a + z = z + a.

  • Explain what algebra is.

    Can your candidates explain that algebra is a branch of mathematics in which letters and symbols represent numbers or objects to reflect their relationship? Candidates may mention some ways that algebra can be used in the workplace to calculate an unknown variable. For example, if a cashier sold five chocolates and has two left, they…

  • Explain what “mean” refers to in mathematics

    The mean refers to the average value of a set of numbers. For example, the mean value of the numbers two, three, and four is three.