Category: MongoDB

  • MongoDB mongosh Update

    Update Document To update an existing document we can use the updateOne() or updateMany() methods. The first parameter is a query object to define which document or documents should be updated. The second parameter is an object defining the updated data. updateOne() The updateOne() method will update the first document that is found matching the provided query. Let’s see what the…

  • MongoDB mongosh Find

    Find Data There are 2 methods to find and select data from a MongoDB collection, find() and findOne(). find() To select data from a collection in MongoDB, we can use the find() method. This method accepts a query object. If left empty, all documents will be returned. Example findOne() To select only one document, we can use the findOne() method. This method…

  • MongoDB mongosh Insert

    Insert Documents There are 2 methods to insert documents into a MongoDB database. insertOne() To insert a single document, use the insertOne() method. This method inserts a single object into the database. Note: When typing in the shell, after opening an object with curly braces “{” you can press enter to start a new line in the editor…

  • MongoDB mongosh Create Collection

    Create Collection using mongosh There are 2 ways to create a collection. Method 1 You can create a collection using the createCollection() database method. Example Method 2 You can also create a collection during the insert process. Example We are here assuming object is a valid JavaScript object containing post data: This will create the “posts” collection if it does not already…

  • MongoDB mongosh Create Database

    Create Database using mongosh After connecting to your database using mongosh, you can see which database you are using by typing db in your terminal. If you have used the connection string provided from the MongoDB Atlas dashboard, you should be connected to the myFirstDatabase database. Show all databases To see all available databases, in your terminal type show dbs. Notice…

  • MongoDB Query API

    MongoDB Query API The MongoDB Query API is the way you will interact with your data. The MongoDB Query API can be used two ways: MongoDB Query API Uses You can use the MongoDB Query API to perform:

  • MongoDB Getting Started

    MongoDB MongoDB is a document database and can be installed locally or hosted in the cloud. SQL vs Document Databases SQL databases are considered relational databases. They store related data in separate tables. When data is needed, it is queried from multiple tables to join the data back together. MongoDB is a document database which…

  • MongoDB Tutorial

    A MongoDB Document Records in a MongoDB database are called documents, and the field values may include numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, or even nested documents. Example Document Learning by Examples Our “Show MongoDB” tool makes it easy to demonstrate MongoDB. It shows both the code and the result. Example Find all documents that have a…