Category: Question Answer
How can you include jQuery on a page?
jQuery can be included in a page inside the script tag, remote copy of Ajax API and, embedder script using client script object and a local copy of script manager control.
Does Bootstrap require jQuery?
jQuery is used for JavaScript plugins by Bootstrap. However, if we use the CSS part of Bootstrap, jQuery is not needed.
How is css(‘width’) different from width() in jQuery?
These two are different methods available in jQuery to change the width of an element. The difference is that in CSS(‘width’), we have to add px in the width value while this is not required in width().
Popularly asked jQuery interview questions are how to get the text contents and set the text contents of an element using jQuery?
Text () method is used to get combined text contents of all matched elements, and text(Val) is used to set those text contents.
How to deal with cookies in jQuery?
Dough cookie plugin can be used to deal with cookies in jQuery. It has powerful features and is easy to use. For example: $.dough(“cookie_name”, “cookie_value”); can be used to create a cookie.
What is the purpose of jQuery AJAX?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It helps in loading and exchanging data without a browser page refresh and only via server. jQuery provides a rich set of AJAX methods to develop web applications.
What are different selectors in jQuery used for?
There following selectors in jQuery is used as: $(‘div’) is used for selection all div tags in the document, $(‘#TextId’) is used for selecting elements whose ID is TextId and $(‘.myclass’) is used for selecting all elements whose class is .myclass.
Can you select all elements using jQuery? How?
Yes, all elements can be selected using jQuery using $(‘*’) available in a DOM.
In what scenarios jQuery can be used?
jQuery is used mainly to add animation effects, call functions on events, apply dynamic or static CSS, and manipulate purposes.