Category: 03. Ratio and proportion

  • Inverse proportion

    In an inverse proportion, when one quantity increases by a certain factor, the other quantity decreases by the same factor. Keep reading to see a real-life example of this situation. Suppose x and y are variables and k is a constant. Then, y = 8x and y = -2x are examples of direct proportions. However,…

  • Direct variation

    A direct variation, also called direct proportion is a relationship between two variables x and y that can be written as y = kx, k ≠ 0. This situation occurs when the ratio of two variables is constant. When y = kx, we say that y varies directly with x. When z = kt, we…

  • What is the golden ratio?

    What is the golden ratio? The short answer is 1.61803398875 and many people call it the divine proportion. The golden ratio was discovered by the Pythagoreans around 500 B.C. The long answer will require some figures and some math. To warm up, we will try to construct an equiangular spiral. Here is how: Draw a…

  • Working together word problems

    We will solve “working together word problems” with proportion. It may easier to tackle than algebra. Problem #1: Maria can clean all bathrooms in her house in 5 minutes. Her husband can do the same in 20 minutes. How long will it take them if they work together? One important observation is that an entire task or…

  • Scale drawings

    Before studying this lesson about scale drawings, you should review the lesson about solving proportions. Since it is not always possible to draw on paper the actual size of real-life objects such as the real size of a car or an airplane, we need scale drawings to represent the size like the one you see below…

  • Solve multi-step proportions

    Learn how to solve multi-step proportions easily with a couple of good examples. Quick review: Suppose you have the following proportion: Numerator #1 / Denominator #1 = Numerator #2 / Denominator #2  After doing cross-multiplication, it is equivalent to  Numerator #1 × Denominator #2 = Numerator #2 × Denominator #1 Example #1 Solve the proportion (x – 5) / 4 = (x + 3) / 6 (x…

  • Solving Proportions

    Solving proportions by using cross product to find unknown terms is what this lesson is about. We will also show some principles, special techniques or shortcuts that can be used to quickly solve a proportion. Terms to know: Variables such as x, y, or any other letter are used to stand for an unknown number. Unknown…

  • Proportions

    This lesson about proportions will teach you some very important concepts you need to know. You should review the lesson about ratio before studying this lesson. Take a look at the image below. Try to measure the ratio of arm’s length to height for 5 people that you know. What did you notice? More on this later,…

  • Difference between a ratio and a fraction

    There is a difference between a ratio and a fraction even though students usually think there is none.  It is true that we can simplify a ratio the same way we simplify a fraction. For example, the ratio 6 to 9 or 6/9 is equivalent to the ratio 2 to 3 or 2/3. However, ratios…

  • Ratios

    The objective of this lesson is to define what a ratio is and show you how to write ratios using some situations or examples you encounter daily. We will also provide you with a definition of continued ratio. Finally, we will show you some common pitfalls to avoid when working with ratios. Do not forget…